Saturday, July 27, 2013

Man Sues Fishing Group Over $1M Prize!

Apparently this man was cheated out of a one million dollar fishing prize. The company that was going to pay out the prize said he was breaking the rules by having a home made lure. Even to me that seems a little shady I mean come on people does it really matter? Why is this company willing to spend all of this money to cheat this man out of his prize money? It seems ridiculous to me all they are going to do is make their attorneys rich. So everybody looses. Nice. What a huge mess and a bunch of drama caused by someone trying to be chintzy and cheat this man out of his prize. Just look at the fish he deserves the prize. They must be taking economic lessons from China or something. He should extra for creating his own lure for creativity or something. Look at the size of that fish! Don't forget to follow or subscribe to us. Thanks.

Courtesy of Rodney Ply

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