Saturday, February 23, 2013

Cold weather vs Warm weather fishing

A lot of people do not know the difference between warm and cold weather fishing. They might not even realize that there is a difference. Well there is and I am about to explain it. When the weather is warm almost all fish are more active and it is breading season. This fact by itself increases there activity tremendously. When you have more active fish they have faster metabolism and must eat more. If they are eating more they are biting more. The fish also become more defensive of there breeding areas which leads to more strikes all around. When the weather gets colder the opposite happens. The fish become sluggish and they cant even breed because it is too cold. This decreases there need for food and also defense. If you use a lure in the cooler times of the year this is why they tell you to use slower action. Well there is the difference happy fishing until next time.