Thursday, March 7, 2013

Bow fishing a lost art?!

I believe when people first began fishing most of it was bow fishing. They didn't develop fishing with hooks until later. This is why I think bow fishing is a lost art. It is a completely different form of fishing compared to modern rod and reel or net type fishing styles. There are so many factors involved when it comes to bow fishing. The fist is of course general accuracy. It goes far beyond this however. The surface of the water causes a lensing type effect that must be compensated for in order to hit the fish you are targeting. Now lets talk a little about equipment you cant go to your local fishing spot and use hunting arrows either. These arrows will simply hit the water ad the blades will cause them to slow down and curve unexpectedly. You have to have fishing arrows what these are are arrows that have a more pointy apposed to a bladed tip and the arrow is connected to a line. In the center or front third of the arrow is a thin piece of flexible plastic or metal. What this does is keep the fish from slipping off of the arrow. Good luck and happy fishing!!