Friday, March 15, 2013

Fish and Game rules make good sense!!!

You might sit here and ask yourself why there are so many fish and game rules? Well I know you know this is coming but the rules are there for a very important reason. They keep the fish around. Just imagine if there were no rules. There would be entire fish species going extinct due to extreme over fishing. Then no body would be able to enjoy fishing because there would be no fish to catch. Not to long ago here in Florida they had a ban on fishing for red snapper all together because of something just like this. The fish was being over fished and the population was extremely low. So for the entire season you were not allowed to catch any red snapper. What a bummer. I like to practice catch and release most of the time anyway. But I do like to keep my freezer stocked with various kinds of fish. I am not greedy once I have enough then I just continue with catch and release regardless of the fishes size. It kills me to see these people who will go and just catch and keep anything that bites there hook no matter the size, species or what ever. They are ruining it for the rest of us. So use some common sense and don't be greedy!!! Good luck and happy fishing!!

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